Aviagtion Hose Clamps

US $78

  • Sedona, Arizona, United States
  • Jan 29th
Selling as Package:Cushion Clamps  9 - P/N MS21919-WDG36 10 - P/N MS21919-WDG6 10 - P/N MS21919-WDG4 10 - P/N MS21919-WDG3 10 - P/N MS21919-WDG2 Assorted Hose Clamps  5 - 2 3/4" - 036 7 - 1" - 006 2 - 2 1/2" - 032 20 - 2 1/4" - 028 14 - 1 1/4" - 012 6 - 3 1/2" - 48 10 - 4 1/2" - 64 6 - 1 1/8" - 010 10 - 1 3/4" - 020 4 - 3 1/4" - 44 12 - 5/8" 2 - 7 1/2" - 58665 1 - 4 1/4" - 60 2000-01 Aircraft Spruce price for all is $139.26


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