Earpopper Ear Relief Device (bnib! Last 3 Left)

US $340

  • Brampton , Canada
  • May 25th
This week sale price only !!! Price is going up . Everyone can relate to the discomfort of ear pressure. You might experience this while flying on an airplane or traveling on a fast moving elevator (especially when you have a cold or allergies). The pressure on the eardrums and the related discomfort can be unbearable. Not to mention the reduction in hearing from the pressure on the eardrums and the potential for more serious problems if the pressure isn’t relieved. The EarPopper has been clinically proven to relieve negative ear pressure. Negative ear pressure can cause: Pain Hearing Loss Fluid build-up behind the eardrum (Otitis media with effusion) Earaches Headaches Dizziness The EarPopper device is currently being used in health care practioners' offices around the world for helping relieve ear pressure and treating the problem at the source – The Eustachian Tube. (See illustrations at right) The Eustachian Tube (ET) is the body’s only mechanism for equalizing pressure and ventilating the space behind the eardrum (Middle Ear). The ET normally opens when you swallow or yawn. When functioning normally the ET keeps the middle ear ventilated and the pressure equalized.  When the ET doesn’t function normally – and the middle ear isn’t ventilated properly – the middle ear becomes a closed space with unbalanced pressure. An unbalanced middle ear forces pressure on the eardrum which is not only uncomfortable, but also affects your hearing. This closed space also cannot drain properly – resulting in fluid build up behind the eardrum.  When you mix a dark, moist, unbalanced middle ear space with the common cold or allergies – you have the perfect breeding ground for an infection.  The EarPopper helps avoid and even eliminate an unbalanced middle ear. The EarPopper opens the ET with air. It is fast, simple and completely safe as proven in numerous clinical studies – including the latest study published in the Ear, Nose & Throat Journal and funded by the National Institutes of Health.  The EarPopper is the alternative to medication or ear tube surgery and the new EP-2100 Home Version is now available. How does the EarPopper Work? Based on a 120 year old proven medical procedure called Politzerization, the EarPopper gently opens the Eustachian tubes with air.  The treatment only takes a few seconds and it’s safe for children and adults. The EarPopper delivers a safe, constant, regulated stream of air into the nasal cavity. During the moment of swallowing the air is diverted up the Eustachian tube clearing and ventilating the middle ear. The EarPopper relieves negative ear pressure and allows any accumulated fluids to drain.  In an NIH (National Institutes of Health) funded clinical study on children, the EarPopper restored hearing to normal limits in 85% of the children without surgery or medication. In other studies published in the Peer Reviewed ENT Journal and the Journal of Audiology, the EarPopper demonstrated the safety and efficacy of relieving ear pressure problems in both Children and Adults.  Don’t be fooled by imitations or gadgets making similar claims. The EarPopper is a clinically proven, FDA cleared, non-invasive, non-drug related treatment device for the most common ear problems and is recommended by Healthcare Practitioners around the world. In the U.S.A., the EarPopper is FDA cleared and is available by prescription only.  In Canada, the EarPopper device is a Class 2 medical device according to the Medical Devices Regulations and has been reviewed and determined to be such by the Device Licensing section of the Medical Devices Bureau of Health Canada. EarPopper is CE registered in the EU. Recommended Treatment Guidelines Fluid in the Middle Ear (Otitis Media with Effusion/Middle Ear Effusion) To treat fluid in the middle ear, treatment with the EarPopper should be done twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening, for seven to eleven weeks according to a clinical study. In the study group, hearing was restored to normal in 74% of patients after seven weeks of treatment and 85% after eleven weeks of treatment[1]. There appears to be no contraindication to extended use. One treatment consists of four total swallows. The EarPopper should be used once in each nostril, then wait 5 minutes and repeat once again in each nostril for a total of four swallows. Remember the treatment only occurs at the moment of swallowing while the device is running.   Helpful hint : When using the EarPopper with a young child: Hold the EarPopper nosepiece beneath the nostril and push the power button, to allow them to get used to the sensation of air entering the nose. Hold the EarPopper nosepiece against the nostril, and pinch the other nostril shut. A sip of water to hold in their mouth may help encourage them to swallow with their mouth closed.  Then repeat on the other nostril. The EarPopper will not cause an ear infection. However, if ear pain or ear infections arise, the EarPopper treatment should be temporarily suspended. Treatment can then be resumed after the infection resolves. Treatment of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and Aerotitis/Barotitis A clinical study has demonstrated that negative pressure in the middle ear can be relieved by use of the EarPopper[2]. Patients can use the EarPopper as needed. Often relief will occur after only one treatment. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction can cause development of negative pressure in the middle ear due to a lack of ventilation and can lead to Otitis Media with Effusion, Aerotitis/Barotitis. Aerotitis/Barotitis is a result of negative middle ear pressure caused by rapid elevation changes (airplane travel, diving, mountain climbing, etc.). [1] “Non-Surgical Home Treatment of Middle-Ear Effusion and Associated Hearing Loss in Children. Part I: Clinical Trials” ENT JOURNAL Sept 2005. (“Part II: Clinical Trials - Follow Up” ENT Journal Oct 2005) [2] “Efficacy of a Modified Politzer Apparatus in Management of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in Adults” American Academy of Audiology Journal 10: 496-501 (1999)


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