Electroscale Weightmeter 551

US $900

  • Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
  • Nov 28th
If you have any questions, please contact the seller before purchasing. They offer a NO RISK GUARANTEE and will offer a full refund including original shipping if you're not satisfied for any reason. The item does not appear to power on and is in fair physical condition with some moderate wear and tear. It is being sold in AS IS condition and the seller assumes no responsibility for the proper or improper use of the product. The seller cannot guarantee the functionality of commonly replaced items such as rubber tubing, seals, light bulbs, cartridges and/or batteries that may be installed inside of pre-owned items. The Electroscale Weightmeter 551 is up for sale without a power adapter or any other accessories. The seller saves all records of serial numbers and other identification numbers for all of their items.


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