Kavo Ergogrip Mit K Control Kit4

US $170

  • Kissimmee, Florida, United States
  • Jan 30th
KaVo’s K-5 Plus Handpiece has been designed with functionality, comfort, and reliability, but also doesn’t empty your wallets. The K-5 Plus is also quite affordable to repair – that’s if it ever breaks down.  It is extremely reliable and considered one of the best  Features While compact, the K-5 plus is also quite powerful, with speeds from 1,000-35,000 RPM Even at high speed, it is relatively quiet Easy to maneuver, weighing in at a mere 200 grams, the K5 plus will allow technicians to operate and maintain consistency without the strain of heavier handpieces Offers an ergonomic shape and design to also help with ease of operation Extremely easy to repair and in most cases can be done within the laboratory The new motor technology has decreased temperatures by    20% Also includes an ultra-slim cable for even better control Specifications Speeds of 1,000-35,000 RPM Max torque of 4.5 NCm Brushless DC motor handpieces money can buy. 


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