100 Esd Anti Static Shielding Bags 4.3" X 6.3"_110 X 160mm_usable Size

US $110

  • Guangdong, China
  • Jun 6th
Shipping for these bags is available within 24 hours after payment is cleared. Shipping time is estimated to be 7-15 business days to arrive in the United States, 15-30 business days to arrive in Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia and Canada, and 25-45 business days to arrive in other countries. Over 80% of the customers receive their items within 25 days, but delays may occur due to post office and customs. It is recommended to provide a phone number when paying to help ensure a smooth delivery process. Positive feedback will be given automatically once received. Customers are invited to leave positive feedback with 5 stars based on their satisfaction with the product and service. If there is any issue with the product, the seller can be contacted in order to resolve the problem promptly. These bags can be widely used to pack PC boards, computer main boards, sound cards, VGA cards, network cards, and other static-sensitive electronic devices. The 100 ESD Anti Static Shielding Bags have a usable size of 4.3" x 6.3", or 110 x 160mm. These bags are made of APET/CPP (Aluminized PET/CPP) material and have a thickness of 0.075mm or 3 Mil, totaling 0.15mm or 6 Mil. They are silver-gray and translucent, without any printing. These bags are designed to protect sensitive components from potential static damage. They have a 4-layer structure that forms an induction hood effect, which isolates the contents from the electrostatic field. The inner layer is made of static eliminable polypropylene, making it semi transparent and allowing the contents to be easily recognized from the outside. If the item is defective upon receiving it, a refund or replacement will be issued. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer if there are no quality issues. Only PayPal is accepted for payment, and import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.


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