Best Quality Varraible Micropette Volume Micro Pipette 10-1000ul (made In India)

US $190

  • Jun 19th
The seller has a return policy, and they strive to serve their customers above their expectations. Positive feedback is crucial to them, and they request customers to contact them if there is an issue. In case of a broken, lost, or wrong item, they offer a free replacement. Products must be returned within 14 days of receipt in the same condition dispatched by the seller, and any use or alteration of the product is unacceptable. The seller has many years of experience in international exports and is an upcoming 24.7 online seller of spares for vintage motorcycles and scooters such as BSA, Norton, Royal Enfield, Triumph, Ariel, Vespa, and Lambretta. Customers are free to contact them for bulk queries. Thank you for reading! The seller accepts payment via PayPal, which is the safest method. They ship worldwide and will ship items within 2 to 4 working days after payment is cleared. Standard shipping takes 7 to 10 days to arrive. If an item does not arrive within the stated time, customers can contact the seller. They use FedEx, UPS, DHL, and Indiapost for standard shipping and the post office for small items. They offer big discounts for multiple or combined purchases. Customers are requested to provide their telephone numbers at the time of purchase, as sometimes they are required for delivery or customs purposes. In case of non-delivery or late delivery due to an incorrect address, any additional costs will be borne by the buyer. In some cases, goods may be subject to import duties or taxes, which must be paid by the buyer. This item, the Best Quality Varraible Micropette Volume Micro Pipette 10-1000ul, is a high-quality product made in India. It comes with a micropipette, three needles, an instruction manual, a spanner, calibration certificate, and a warranty card. Each pipette is individually calibrated according to ISO 8655 standards, and a separate calibration report is included with each one. The pipette has an increment of 1.0Вµl and an accuracy of 0.5Вµl, and is capable of forward and reverse pipetting. In-house maintenance is available, and customers are free to ask any questions they may have.


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