Hmp Solder Dip Tester

US $340

  • Stockton, California, United States
  • Jan 31st
SELLING A USED SOLDER DIP TESTER (MODEL 1900) FROM HMP/SOLDERMATICS INC. It is a complete tester and comes with an operators manual and an IC holder. A heater pot contains full solder. Phase 1 Testing: (PASSED) - Turn on the power on the Dipper and power light lid. - Turn on the power on the temperature controller and the top LED display showed 25 degree C. Phase 2 Testing: (PASSED) - Depressed the footswitch and the arm of the Dipper went down. pressed again and the arm went up. - It took about 30-40 minutes to liquefy solder in the pot and its temperature reached to 228 degree C. This SOLDER DIP TESTER seems to be functional and I did not do setup procedure or variable speed calibration as shown in the manual. That is all I know about this tester. *** HAPPY BIDDING ***


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