Metal Pink Pilot Frixion Ball 3 0.5mm Roller Ball Pen Free 3 Refill Red&b&blue

US $30

  • default, default, Hong Kong
  • May 31st
NEW Pilot FRIXION retractable LKFB-150EF Ball 3 Metal 0.5mm roller ball pen Barre:Metal Pink 3 colors ink:Red ,Blue,Black ink. Erase and rewrite repeatedly without damaging documents Writes smooth, erases clean Thermo-sensitive Gel Ink is removed by erasing friction Fine point Pilot FriXion Ball Erasable Gel Pens allow you to erase and rewrite repeatedly without damaging documents. The thermo- sensitive gel ink formula disappears with the erasing friction of a rubber tail plug eraser on the pen. Erasing leaves no residue or  debris. Each pen can write on the same spot that has been erased. Each gel rollerball pen delivers smooth writing gel ink and is  not recommended for signatures, examination  papers or official documents where writing needs to remain permanent or for exposure to extreme temperatures. 1 set 1 pen free 3 refill (Red,Blue, Black ink) Made in Japan by Pilot Pen CO.LTD Shipping fee is included air mail registered  inkFrog Analytics **You may find more amazing items in our ebay store: Pokydady store


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