Rollup Mit Rollup-display 200 X 85cm

EUR 49.00

  • Sondershausen, Germany
  • Jan 30th
The company's contact details include their name, UG (haftungsbeschrankt), Johann-Karl-Wetzel-Str.43, 99706 Sondershausen, Deutschland. You can contact them by phone at 03632 541494 or fax at 03632 541495, or email at Their HRB503372 trade registration number and DE 159/198/06742 value-added tax number are also provided. The terms and conditions of the sale are covered in UG (haftungsbeschrankt) and their customers who buy their products on the eBay marketplace. The contract language is German. The article also includes information about how to bid on items, including items with a minimum price, and how to exercise the "Price Proposal" option. The company's liability for negligence is limited to non-essential contractual obligations, and they are not responsible for damages resulting from a breach of life, body, or health, guarantees, or claims under the Product Liability Act. This article is about the Rollup with Rollup-Display 200 x 85cm, which is an aluminum Roll-Up device with fold-out feet for stabilization. The price includes the printing medium and the print. Details about the order include Rollup with print 85 x 200 cm segment holding rod, clamp holder for the display, and a black carrying case. The print medium will be printed from the file sent by the customer. The print will be of solvent print quality. The data can be sent to the company by upload or email in EPS, PDF, CDR (up to X4), TIFF, JPG, AI format. All data should be in CMYK, and the prints must have a minimum of 150DPI in the ordered size.


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