Sodium Hexametaphosphate (1 Lb.)

US $210

  • Rutherford, New Jersey, United States
  • Jun 16th
SHMP 1 lb. SHMP technical NSF grade is generally used as Sequestrant, Food additive, water softening and detergents, dispersing agent to break down clay and other soil types.  Grade: Technical  Uses: Softening water,laundering, textile processing,pretanning hides in manufacture of leather, dispersing clays and pigments, corrosion prevention Properties: Completely soluble in water in all proportions but is insoluble in organic solvents.  Visual Appearance: White powder (Image is of actual product) P2O5: 66.5% - 67.3% pH of 1% solution: 6.70 - 7.20 Loss on ignition <= 1% Water insoluble <= 0.1% Thru a USS 20 Sieve: 98% or more Thru a USS 100 Sieve: 45% or more


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