Tiny Arduino Smart Display, Pro Mini With Oled Display

US $25.00

  • New River, Arizona, United States
  • Feb 22nd
The device comes with software SPI and uses specific settings for the OLED_Pro smart display. You will need to define the following pins: OLED_DC 6, OLED_RESET 5, OLED_MOSI 4, OLED_CLK 3, and OLED_CS 7. Ensure that you have Adafruit_SSD1306.h set up correctly before using the device. The main loop in the program displays the current time and date on the smart display. The display has four sizes, with the largest size displaying the hour and minute. The second size displays the month, day, and year. The code is straightforward to understand and modify, making it a perfect device for electronics enthusiasts to experiment with. In conclusion, if you want to create a compact and powerful Arduino project, you should consider using this little smart display with Pro Mini and Oled display. Its compact size makes it perfect for any project, and its functionality is vast. Make sure to follow the setup instructions carefully to get the most out of the device. To use this smart display, you will need the SPI, Wire, Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_SSD1306, and RTClib in your library. Follow the instructions in the Adafruit_SSD1306.h file to set the display height to 64. Make sure to remove any other code that controls the pins on the OLED_Pro smart display. The Tiny Arduino smart display with a Pro Mini and Oled display is a must-have for any electronic enthusiast. This small but powerful device is perfect for use in BattSix products and is now available on eBay. With its compact size, it is perfect for shrinking your Arduino project down to the size of a silver dollar. The display features a 128 X 64 yellow/blue OLED display that is programmed using an FTDI cable from sparkfundotcom/products/9718. Once you have set up the device, you can begin to use it. The smart display works with RTC_Millis, and you can set the RTC to the date and time the sketch was compiled. Alternatively, you can add pushbuttons and additional code to manually set the date and time.


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