Track Microwave Fault Sense Or Gates Assembly 11165-8421-6 Timing System 6625012

US $275.00

  • Novi, Michigan, United States
  • Jan 29th
If you believe we misrepresented this item, please contact us within 14 days to arrange a return shipment. We accept multiple forms of payment, including credit cards, Pay-Pal, and cashier's checks. Please note that all funds must clear before delivery. Shipping options include Fedex and USPS Mail, and multiple orders can be combined for shipping. Contact us to schedule an appointment to inspect this item if desired. Included is a Fault Sense or Gate Assembly 6625012822307. This auction is for a new TRAK MICROWAVE Fault Isolation B Assembly 11165-8421-6 TIMING SYSTEM 6625012822306, formerly military property. The technical characteristics of this item include an End Item Identification as Model 11165-8421-6 TIMING SYSTEM 6625012822307 and a Terminal Board.


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