121,550cpm Best Pitchblende Uranium Available For Geiger Counters

US $325.00

  • Poway, California, United States
  • Mar 7th
: THIS item is a natural mineral for collectors and enthusiasts. It, and all of my other items, are shipped as specified within any and all applicable postal regulations in CFR AND postal Code section 52. It's a rock, like the things that get in your shoe and bug you for like six hours until it falls out of the shoe at the end of the day? Yeah? BINGO! This is the highest end set of chunks I have, pun intended... The gold you see is pyrite. The rest is gorgeous Metatorbernite and pitchblende, which explains for it's absurdly high level of activity. The radium in the pitchblende is abnormally high, ergo, the gamma and alpha counts are high. This needs to be in a small collection. These pieces place together nicely, and I wouldn't spread them out much because of the high activity needing to be contained to one area. Enjoy! Don't hesitate to talk with me ask questions, I low this kind of stuff. Offers will be entertained within reason. Now, the obligatory regulatory stuff: This item will be sent in compliance with guidelines specified in USPS Publication 52, and will be shipped in a manner compliant with 49 CFR 173.426. This is classified as a Naturally Occurring Radioactive Mineral and is exempt; in its current state and form, from NRC regulation. AGAIN, This item will be sent 100% in compliance with all federal regulations and requirements. By bidding on this auction, I certify: a. Agree to hold eBay Inc. harmless in the extremely unlikely event that ANY damages occur as a result of purchase or use of this item. b. I understand that deliberately breaking these plates is both dangerous and illegal (easily interpreted legally under three different federal statutes); and that I will not alter, modify, ingest, extract any quantity of any actual or potentially regulated substance contained in this item. The item will be left intact, as sold, and will be stored in a safe and appropriate manner. I will abide by safety rules if the are applicable. c. Assure that these items will be used for their intended purpose. d. I am willing to abide by these rules with 100% compliance should I decide to transfer or resell the item, regardless of whether or not the item is sold on eBay Inc. or any other sellers venue. Geiger counter/scaler/metric equipment is not included, obviously. Please research precautions regarding uranium minerals. Nobody needs to get cancer from rock collecting. I was a nuke worker for quite some time, so I have the misfortune of knowing exactly how much radiation I have taken...  The ALARA principle exists for good reason. This is an acronym for "as low as reasonably achievable", and is something to keep in mind; particularly if you handle radioactive materials frequently. It is a good practice even if it is a bit over the top. I know the value of a human life, and want to make sure that my customers understand that ionizing radiation is absolutely fascinating, but can be dangerous in the presence of recklessness. USPS will be used for shipping most of the time, although I reserve the right to change carriers. Priority mail is used most of the time, although an item will be sent First Class if it qualifies. That's to keep it on the ground, rather than as a cost-saving measure. I do get items bounced back to me for no apparent reason sometimes; but that's probably because there is a huge scintillator array at the local postal sorting center. If that happens, I will notify you and re-ship. This item will be shipped within all regulatory standards, and is exempt from NRC licensing as stated above. Thanks so much and enjoy this unique item; happy hunting!


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